The antidote to TV news toxicity

One of the most impactful changes we can make to improve our mental health is to turn off TV news - both local and national.

Amazingly, 9 out of 10 local and national TV news stories are negative, literally! Death, destruction, scandal, failure. (Go ahead, watch any 10 minute slice of any TV news channel and count for yourself.)

Whereas in reality most of life is positive - good people, great creations, inspiring journeys, exciting successes.

Basic reason would then have it that most TV news stories - at least 6 out of 10 - would be positive, rather than the mere 1 out of 10 positive stories that we’re shown today.

Which begs the question: Why has the TV news industry chosen to project a distorted reality of life’s worst aspects rather than a representative reality of life’s overall beauty?

Because fear sells easiest.

Especially when presented through the full sensory lens that the television medium provides.

The solution is simple:

We need to turn off the TV news and instead read the news. Let’s delight in the wonderment of the written word from respected outlets like New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Associated Press, and Goodable.

That’s how we can stay properly informed while cutting out one more toxic thing to improve our minds and happiness.

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Practicing careful consumption and social restraint


A thought about empathy.