Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

Are we married to our last names?

With such ubiquity and deep roots, the practice of paternal-based family naming is considered a largely untouchable tradition.

But should it be?

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Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

The confusing duality of Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time.

Elon Musk is also one of our time’s most dangerous purveyors of incivility and misinformation.

He has revolutionized automobiles and space exploration, while reshaping the digital town square into a haven for bigots and extremists.

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Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

Some days have the power to change everything

Many of us tend to think that milestones like New Year’s are arbitrary. That they’re just days on a calendar and don’t have the power to change much, if anything. What was true yesterday on December 31st is still true today on January 1st, right?

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Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

Who really is “American”?

If the Americas consist of three distinct regions - North America, Central America, and South America - with 35 sovereign nations, just one of which is the United States of America, why is the US in effective ownership of the collective terms “America” and “Americans”?

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Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

Abortion and the questions we can ask ourselves

As we take in the thunderous news that the US Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, each of us must grapple with where we stand on the issue of abortion and what those beliefs are rooted in.

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Jon Gluck Jon Gluck

Origins of a political slur

Have you ever wondered why “Democrat Party” has become the popular way for Republicans to refer to the Democratic Party?

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